Where to find prices


Now with more baby
I have some used equipment to sell and have not been pricing out stuff for myself in a while. Where do you guys go to find what would be a good price to ask for used equipment. I don't want to rip people off, but I don't want to give it away either.
I would just pay attention to the equipment for sale forum, and see how much other people are selling similar equipment for. I think that would be a good place to start.
You could look on RC. A very wide variety of used gear for sale there. That'll give you a good idea of what other folks are asking for prices.
I would look up similar equipment on any of the many e-tailers, then set a used price based on that (figure a pretty good markdown for "used equipment").
I usually figure about 1/2 of the new cost, but it depends upon the equipment. Stuff that wears out might have a lot less value than that, some that doesn't, more. I'd say on the BRS site things tend to go for less than they might on places like RC, but then again you have to deal with shipping and people you might not know. I check for the new price with the usual on-line sites. Some equipment that has become superseeded by better stuff might be worth very little.
I usually figure about 1/2 of the new cost, but it depends upon the equipment. Stuff that wears out might have a lot less value than that, some that doesn't, more. I'd say on the BRS site things tend to go for less than they might on places like RC, but then again you have to deal with shipping and people you might not know. I check for the new price with the usual on-line sites. Some equipment that has become superseeded by better stuff might be worth very little.

I think Gregs pretty much spot on.

If I am buying a piece of used equipement it has to be saving me 50% or I would rather just buy it new, but if it is a fairly new piece of "used equipment" and it is highly sought after by reefers you could possible get a higher %.