Wife approved upgrade arrives!

That's all for now, been too disgusted with that d@#$nable door to take pictures. Maybe later in the week.
And... have a nearly $300 shopping cart at BRS for plumbing and gave the go ahead to schedule the tank delivery

It's fixin to get all reefy up in here, about d!@#m time.
You're mocking me.
Most of the work recently has been room, not tank related hence the lack of updates.
Fabricated some I guess you'd call brackets for the light mounting kit and took a very blurry picture of them.

Then used the brackets in anger to hang the lighting. It is very nice to not have this behemoth under my bed.
Very few people outside of this community would have the slightest interest in a picture of plumbing fittings.
Here I have the HVAC installed, the pipe up high is temporary - it is from my water mixing station. Allows me to fill 5 gallon buckets for waterchanges on my excruciatingly sad temporary tank.

More plumbing stuff and a view of inside the stand. I need to clean more paint off of the switches. I am a comically messy painter.
The 'tower of power' will be where controllers shall be mounted, hence the cable escutcheons. The raised white areas are access panels. Overkill on access but I bought 4 of them at the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Portsmouth and one mantra for this build is - Make everything accessible again.

Where the duct comes up, those are removable panels to access the fan. Currently that fan runs off of a switch - pretty handy for removing paint fumes! I've got a few DH22's, relays and arduino boards laying around - perhaps I'll get frisky and build my own temp/humidity monitor. Spending hrs on fabrication and coding to replicate what I can buy for < $40.

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The Elos e-Power light system - see Page 5 in this thread - will shortly be up for sale. I am using the center LED module. Anyone building a sans canopy system (and hasn't finished the wall behind the tank) this lighting is a excellent opportunity to truly hide the cords. It uses a projector arm to hold the light off the wall. Looked sleek and modern when installed. Alas, my new tank is 27" tall (stand seemed to grow during the build too). So I needed to go with a slimmer design. PM me for interest. You can take delivery of the light / ballasts now and I can then give you the LED module in few weeks if you're in construction mode.

I'm looking to get $600 for system (light, projector arm, LED center module, ballasts). I do have hardware to hang this in a traditional manner and then you get the unmitigated joy of hiding the infernal cords.
Looking great! Nice'n clean and organized.
What is the new tank dimension and the manufacturer? And what skimmer you're going to run the new tank with?
New tank is 63 x 24 x 27 - yeah that's pretty darn odd :) and tall too - that's why we needed the catwalk - I don't see my arms growing longer any time soon.

Ordered it from Coast to Coast Aquariums through Love the Reef/Imagine an Ocean (very happy with them btw).

Skimmer: Tunze 9430
Return: Ecotech Vectra M1
Swapping out Ecotech MP40's for Turbelle 6105 as the MP40's won't fit on the "overflow wall"
Using the Eshopps r-300 sump (the one with the fuge)
Couple 'o' reactors and I'll be adding 2 part dosing system once there's stuff to actually need it :)

Getting closer!!!
So you're selling your E-Power. What light fixture you're putting on this? Are you sticking with MH or going LED?
Yup selling the E-Power - its too vertically big for the setup going with Pacific-Sun Hyperion - T-5/LED combo.

The E-Power looks/works just fine - no problem with it - but the bottom of it would probably be about 1" above the water if I tried to use it. So needed a much slimmer light.
It appears that we may have a tank delivered next week! We've been the gating factor, not the manufacturer btw - just want to make sure that's known.
Been doing some minor rework of the adjacent mechanical closet - mostly trying to shoe-horn in a ATO reservoir. Going with a simple gravity fed system that eventually will have some automation for refilling the reservoir. That will happen after the full system is operational. Same with dosing pumps and whatnot.
Well next week slipped into next week but should have a tank to show for all this work soon. Here are some more progress pictures though. Got the ATO reservoir installed, roughly plumbed in and leak tested.
What a rats nest 'o' tubing and valves. I need to find some holders for the valves - John Guest makes some but they seem to be rarer than hens teeth.
Actually used the secret stand door in anger this morning when routing the ATO feed tubing. It was a lot of extra work to make this, and I was beginning to doubt its utility but access is king.