Will my current light be sufficient?


I currently have a 65 gallon tank(36"x18"x16") with a 36" fixture that has two 250W 14K MH and 4 39W T5 bulbs in it. I am debating on jumping up to a 90 gallon (48"x18"x24") or 100 gallon(48"x24"x20") tank and am wondering if I suspend my current light fixture above the tank will it be sufficient to provide enough light to still support any kind of coral, clam or other tank inhabitants that I put in it or should I really consider running a 48" MH fixture if I decide to make the jump to a bigger tank? Thank you guys so much for all your help and advice!

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I would think that would be plenty of light for a 90 gallon.
Clams I would keep mid way up and sps near the top.
I have no issues with 2-250 watt halides and 2 54 watt actinics.
i had a 110 with 2 250 se halides and it was fine, just kep the more demanding corals closer to the top.
Location of clams and coral will depend on what bulbs you use, and the quality of the fixtures reflectors.
Cheap no name t5 and 20K halides, and junk reflectors = top half only for high light stuff
Ati t5, and Phoenix 14K or a nice 10K and good reflectors= you should be fine throughout.
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