wrasse question


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
Are the lubbocks, mccosker,and orange back (aurantidoraslis). all compatible in the same tank? also for future refference, pending all the above lineatus mysteri, laboutei, rhomboid, and clown fairy.
Not sure about all of those Matt, but I can tell you that we have had the following wrasses in our tank for quite some time now and they get along pretty well......

Flasher (maybe Carpenter? We're not exactly sure)

Good luck with your fish choices:),
Gina and Dave
Can't answer your question.

Is the orange shoulder reef safe? Have seen various contradictory reports on that.

That is a tricky question, you have there.
How big of a tank are we talking?

"lubbocks, mccosker,and orange back "
These should be fine in a 75gal or larger. The Orange back will probably be the aggressor. And depending on attitude could be a bit nasty.
IME, I have found Laboutei, Linneatus, and Rhomboid to be fairly tollerant of other wrasses.
Clown Fairy could go either way, get a really good looking small one and hope for the best.
Five Bar Mystery should be the last added if it is a good size one. If it smaller I would add it before or at the same time. Same with this fish I have had some that are very shy and some that are monsters. And people say that fish have no personalities. Who are they kidding.

Just make sure they are all added reletively close, before territories are established. We have all three of these Wrasses in our 400gal display with several others with no problems. The only one being a problem in there is our Girdled Fairy Wrasse. He is turning into a supermale and letting everyone in the tank know it.
Our current stocklist in there(for Wrasses) is:
pair of Laboutei
pair of Linneatus
pair of Rhomboid
trio of Bathyphilus
1 x Balteatus

I hope to add quite a few things next week
harem of Pylei Wrasse
Vanuatu Flame
female Balteatus
trio of Black Leopard Wrasse
trio of Bipartitus Leopard
trio of Meleagris Leopard
1 x Kuiteri Leopard

Cross my fingers and hope all goes well. I figure this way I purely overwhelm the current Wrasses with so many newcomers that they just don't know who to chase.
I will keep you posted.

they would be going into my 125gal at the moment, the elevation here is about 600-800 feet above sea level i believe.