Y-E-S!!! Bangaii babies!!

Armando Congrats! Are mom & dad the one that you got from me? If yes, I'm glad they are doing well. Good luck with the babies.
Congrats!! How many babies did you get out of the cluch Armando? How old/large are the pair? I've been keeping notes/doing some research stuff etc. and would be interested in talking. I can't now. Can you PM me with an email address? I'll fire something off to you in the morning from work. Thanks!

Good luck! They are fun and cute eh?

BTW..there are plenty folks who are interested in babies.. BRS peeps who I couldn't come through for this time. In a few months, I'm sure you'll have takers for all the babies.

Yes, Bidadari, the pair I got from you :)

David I see three babies, there might be a few more hidden in the chaeto or rock but probably not many. I have a Yellow tang also in this tank, probably most of the babies turned into fish food. I'll PM my email soon.

This is way cool! :)
Congrats! that is very cool indeed. Gotta get some pics!:) Did you know the dad was holding? or is it a surprise?
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thank you i'll try to get pics but for now they're hiding in a corner, have to wait until they come out. dad was holding and today when i fed the tank he ate, so i started looking for the fry they're so tiny I couldn't see them.

I found three more so total 6 now :)
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all right i spent the past hour trying to catch these guys to put them in another tank so they don't become fish food or starve. no luck so they're on their own now.

on a GOOD side, i found my prized blue shrimp that i haven't seen since i bought him last month. wo-hoo!!
Outstanding Armando !! I think my Babgaii will be next. Just saw him open his mouth and he as alot of eggs in there..........

How long did it take yours till the babies arrived, and was he in the main tank or isolated?

Y'all should read the literature out there by Dr. Frank Marini. He's got boatloads of information on breeding the BC's. If it weren't for his information, I'd have had no clue when my BC's mated.





Or his forum on RC: http://www.reefcentral.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?forumid=86

There's some information available as to when is the best time to isolate the male from the display tank. Too early, and he may either ingest the eggs or spit them. Too late..and well... you get fish food for your display tank.

I took my male out about a week before he spat the babies. My only mistake was putting him in the fuge. I didn't take into consideration that the babies would flow out of the fuge and into the sump, Mag7 etc. I got about 1/3 of the brood. The others became fish food.

Next time, I'll be ready. I've got a grow out tank set up for them.
