
The next meeting of the Boston Reefers' Society will be on: Saturday, September 17th, 2016 noon to 4:00pm with Paul Baldassano.
The location is: Peabody VFW 20 Stevens St. Peabody, MA 01960
Paul Baldassano (Paul B)
Topic – TBA
This hobby has been a lifelong passion of Paul’s for over 60 years. Not many can say this, but Paul first started his reef tank in 1971. That first tank has gone through many changes and has grown much larger, but it is still running today! His reef has been a continuing experiment where he offers these beautiful creatures the best possible living conditions outside their natural habitat.
Paul has spent his life searching for answers and it normally occupies much of his time even when he should be sleeping. One of these answers came in the form of the Majano Wand, which has helped many reefers overcome these pests.
As a retired electrician, Paul keeps himself busy by writing aquarium articles, speaking at reef clubs, and working on his projects – many of which involve marine life in one form or another.
Meeting schedule:
**All topics and times subject to change at any time**
Meeting schedule: Noon - 4pm
12:00-12:30 Meet & Greet / Membership Registration
12:30-1:00 Q&A if interest (Psst! Old school reefers, civic duty calls!)
1:00-2:30 Speaker presentation
2:30-3:00 Food, raffle
3:00-4:00 on Fragswap mayhem/socializing/meeting cleanup
Water testing will be available for this meeting as well as Fish Goo!
There will be many great raffle prizes offered up to support the club by our sponsors and members. Items will be posted as we get closer to the meeting date.