What are people using for lights?

The Geismann is a new LED T5 combo, and they make good lights. I agree with the Pac Sun lights. I was hoping posting this someone would say how much they love theirs, but I haven't seen that. I have made lights before, they problem is you can't ever sell them after. We are doing two rooms over, so I want this to look like it belongs. Thanks for the ideas

I am running ATI 4 foot fixture with 6 bulbs ....best light I have ever had and the bulb combos you can do are out of this works. Runs much cooler than MH and great looking fixture to boot.

Had, in the past Ocean light 2EA 250 MH and 2 T5s then on to LED then back to MH (past 5-6 years) now only light I will use is the T5's

I was thinking the T5, and Leds are the way I want to go. I was looking at the ATI, I like the light, and they do have a T5 Led combo. IM hoping simon on here has one, and will chime in.
Lucky for me I did good selling hardware, and coral, so this is one decision the committee is stating out of. The custom tank I pulled back on that. I might be moving at the end of this year, and It was going to cost me an additional $800 for the same tank I am getting minus the stand, light, skimmer Im doing what I want. I am to cheap to spend a lot, but I want good equipment. I have been looking at the Skimz DC skimmers, but not sure what I will be getting there.
The Geismann is a new LED T5 combo, and they make good lights. I agree with the Pac Sun lights. I was hoping posting this someone would say how much they love theirs, but I haven't seen that. I have made lights before, they problem is you can't ever sell them after. We are doing two rooms over, so I want this to look like it belongs. Thanks for the ideas


I don't have the Pandora, but I do have the Hyperion S (LED only). I have had it for I think two years (I will double check the date :) ) and I love it. Corals are all healthy and the color is awesome.
I started with SPS back in October/November 2014 and things are going really well (I was nervous starting out from all the stories I heard about LED and SPS). I am seeing tons of encrusting and growth....polyps are extended and I haven't lost a single frag yet (nor have I seen any signs of health problems or color fading). I will update everyone again in a couple of months.
LPS, zoas, mushrooms, etc are also thriving (and again, no color fading or health problems). Maxima clam is also doing excellent.
The software could be better, but I really havn't touched that in months.

I don't have any experince with the Pandora though......
Thanks for the info. I am wondering what the issue is with the software. Once the light is set up does it really need to be upgraded (the firmware)? I like the look of the light. I was going to get the white but my tank stand is black so maybe that's the big decision to make. If I did have issues they are close by to get service so I like that idea.
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