Aquascaping with PVC

The Saltwater Kid

I'm looking to aquascape using PVC. What I would like to do is make a framework out of 1/2" PVC where it would have a base with 4 legs and in the middle a center shaft that sticks up about a foot. I would like to drill holes in my live rock and slide them over the PVC shaft but I can't find an easy way of drilling holes in the live rock...everyone says use a 1" masonry bit but the only drill that size of a bit would fit is a hammer drill which people say would tear the rock apart. What should i do? Any alternative suggestions to PVC? I'm trying to keep this as cheap as possible and that's why i thought PVC but that dang drilling through the rock has got me stumped!!!
Actuallyt a friend of mine suggested those but will they be rigid enough to do what I want? I'm thinking of drilling holes through the rock and then sort of putting them over and sliding them onto the shaft and then stacking them one on top of the other to form sort of a pyramid/mountain type structure.
I can't say how rigid those are, but I'd guess that if they aren't rigid enough you could use solid acrylic rods insted.
Saltwater Kid, I know what your trying to do. I saw an article about live framing (using PVC to link rocks together) and I thought it was a great article. I plan on doing it on my next tank.

The article was in the Marine Fish and Reef USA 2008 annual vol 10 edition. If you want I could scan the article and email it to you... Let me know.
Fiberglass driveway markers. Generally they are just a hair over 1/4" and pretty strong. You can get them at most hardware stores.
We did well with black fiberglass replacement tent poles bought in the outdoor/hunting section of Wal-Mart. They are the sort with the elastic cord in the middle so they can be folded or stretched out. Just cut off the metal ends and you get rods of, IIRC, 18 or 24". I want to say they were $8 for a bunch.