Covering overflow ideas?


I am looking for ideas to prevent light (and algae growth) from happening in my overflow box. My new ATI light is wider than my prior one. As such light pours into the overflow box. I just noticed that bubble algae is growing on the drain grate for the overflow and restricting flow to the sump. I noticed this when I manually added water and it took a bit longer to drain to the sump. Importantly, I am about to add a return pump that my test the boundaries of the overflow so I certainly don't want bubble algae to cause a flood.

I will be removing it to clean it, but need to prevent future growth. At worst, I was thinking of using black duct tape A couple of strips across the overflow should not look THAT bad - hopefully. My google searches found people using acrylic, which I do not have nor can I cut. I have also seen items for sale, but they were $50, which seems high, and also not quite right. Since it needs to curve a bit, I was thinking of taking a light difusser panel (the sheets of small boxes for lights), and make a box out of it. Then, I was thinking of putting black tape over the frame.

Over flow looks like this -

It has a herbie overflow on it, so it isn't flush with top of tank or teeth gates - it rises about an 1/2 inch above tank. Ideas would be helpful...there has to be something better than black duct tape!
Maybe a visit to a crafts store like Michael's or JoAnn's will give you some ideas. They do make a black canvas stitching back that you might be able to use and you would just need a pair of scissors to cut. Although I'm not sure if it would be rigid enough. Not sure if an old plastic milk jug will be big enough for you to use but that's another idea.
be careful not to restrict all your airflow so the overflows work properly i used to cover mine with nylon screen when I had fish prone to jumping in. also if you dont already I would get a small emerald crab, they love bubble algae
I bought some black 1/8" plastic from Amazon. Cut it with a table saw - turned out to look nearly factory. My drain isn't above the top though - so it was easy to fabricate - but if it did, a holesaw would do the trick.

I still have a piece 12x12 left over not sure if you're nearby - welcome to it if you are.
Just go to Home Depot and buy a piece of lexan, then use your jig saw with a fine tooth blade to cut it. Go slow, not a lot of pressure.......let the saw work.

Then paint it black and you're done.

Very easy to do, and cheap too.
thanks for the ideas. I just cleaned out both stand pipes last night. The problem wasn't actually bubble algae, although there is bubble in the overflow. The problem was actually massive amounts of tube worms and their structures. It was actually crumbly like soft rocks but all over the intacts. I still may put a cover on it anyway, although I don't know if tube worms care about light.

I will post a picture of whatever I come up with. Thanks for the input everyone!