Got some specific questions about red tree sponges...


Saltwater OCD Victim
Bought one today, and don't worry no air touched it. It's currently acclimating the drip method in the large bag it came in far from the water surface then i'll tie it again and put it into the tank, let all air out of the bag, then remove the sponge while the bag is fully submerged. Luckily I know how to do all that already.

But I still have a few questions. I know it needs food like Marine Snow which I have, but I also know it isn't photosynthetic so it doesn't need much lighting at all. Does this mean moderate lighting will negatively affect it? I have a 96W Tek Light T5 on a 29g tank and just want to make sure that's not TOO much light for a sponge (if there is such a thing). I plan to have it on my sand bed and really don't have much as far as shade areas go, especially to shade a tree sponge with two large trunks and that is nearly 10" long... Lol.

So anything else I should know? I know water quality is important so my bi-weekly water changes will now be weekly (joy of doubling what I pay on supplies for water changes -_-)

And how often do I give it Marine Snow?
Also, what are these little things growing at the base? I've seen them before in peoples tanks and assume they're fine, but just was wondering.

Dont know much about sponges but the things at the base are a type of macro i believe.
Good call! Did some research and it's called halimeda and is good for the aquarium. Nice.