Nov. Meeting: What Corals Need and Why by Mr. Greg Hiller

Yes, another Great! meeting. Greg always give an awesome talk. Good to see some old faces and some new ones as well.

Can't wait to see all the pictures from the coral grow out.

Here is a few pics of todays meeting.

I have some pics of Paul/Reefkeeper2's tank as well. I did not get a chance to get to jt628, so hopefully next time.

It was great meeting a bunch of you today! Greg, thanks for the awesome presentation, I definitely learned a few things!
Bummed I missed Paul's tank but I was needed back home... Hopefully there will be a next time, the pictures were amazing!

See you guys next month! :)
A huge thanks goes out to the BOD, Greg Hiller, Love the Reef, and Imagine an Ocean for such a great meeting.

It's always great to catch up with old reef mates and a pleasure to making new friends.

A big thanks also goes out to Paul for graciously allowing us into his home and sharing his "little" masterpiece of the ocean
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Awesome meeting! I would like to Thank Greg for his presentation it was great! I would also like to Thank Archit for sponsoring it and Thank You to all the members who came and enjoyed themselves today!
Thank you to everyone who sponsored the meeting and all who came. Pretty bummed I couldn't stay the whole time, but we all know how important it is to balance our other duties and not let time spend reefing take over other responsibilities. (Or so we try... lol) But regardless, very nice seeing everyone, Thanks again Archit for everything including the contest grow out frag and also the frags I bought off you. All are super healthy, super beautiful, and an absolutely incredible and admiral pricing on everything.
>Greg didn't have a mussel shirt on?<

Don't you mean wife-beater shirt! Too darned cold for that now!
In search of big foot!

Hello, sorry for the title. I figured it would get you to read. I am searching, but not for Big Foot.

I am trying to locate a young gentleman that was at the November 2nd meeting who had his mom in tow.

We are trying to locate him in regards to writing up a small piece for a newsletter.

Hopefully he or his mom will see this post and reply with a PM to me.

So, if you see BIG FOOT! Do not contact me. But if you do see this young gentleman or know who he is. Please have him contact us.

In all seriousness I do like the Jack Link commercials.
He bought frags from Archit. Was in line in front of me. Idk if he is the 14 year old kid on here. Iirc has a jet plane for an avatar. Jason? Justin? Something with a J I think...

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