Randy's Two Part - where to buy?


I just moved to Boston from Miami. I had to give up my tank in Miami, but just bought a used 90 gallon tank, which is 1 week up and running (bought the tank from a posting on this site, thanks BRS!!!).

I use Randy's Two part formula, but don't know where to buy the CA. Thus, my simple question (I hope) is what brand of product do I buy and where can I buy it?

I am on a budget, so I cannot afford lab grade or other fancy LFS products.

When I lived in Miami, I had a hard time finding the CA, but ended up using calcium chloride from a pool/spa place. I have read numerous articles about using Dow products, but I have also read about how Dow cannot assure folks that it is pure enough for aquarium use. Randy's article is a few years old, so I was curious if things have changed.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

or if your impatiant like me you can head over to aqua addicts in salem nh and get some. :)
No Home Depot / Lowes options? What about spa Calcium Chloride?

Just curious why it would need to be shipped. The shipping cost is half the amount of the product.

Thanks for the comments.

not in July...maybe in January. I buy a year's worth in the winter. The LFS above does carry some, at a comparable cost to bulk reef supply.
And don't forget your Mag Flake at the same time.
As soon as the walkways get icy.I also get my Baking Soda and epsom salt in bulk supply at local wholesale clubs.