Removing Anemone's


Hello, My bubble tip anemone's have been splitting and are taking up much of the tank. They are starting to sting my other corals. What is the best method for removing? Credit card method maybe difficult as my clowns will go crazy plus I don't want to damage them. TY
Power head pointed at the foot. They’ll start to move in a few minutes and once the foot begins to detach, you’re good to go.
I've held ice cubes on the foot to make them move. It's a slow process, but it saved my other corals. Make the ice cubes from RODI or put regular ones in a baggie. I usually wait until they are on the glass before I remove them.
Ice cubes work real well. Especially if you can get the rock out of the tank. Hold it over a bucket of salt water. Ice cube on the foot and once the foot has been slightly dislodged use a finger nail to gently pry off the rest of the foot.
Someone on R2R made a nem remover: pvc tube and rubber bands.

Cut some notches in the PVC as anchor points, use the rubber bands to hold it to rock over the nem.

Annoy the nem so it shrinks up, slip the tube over it, anchor it to the rocks, and wait. The nem will move up into the tube to get to the light. Then you can take it out easier.

Think they also used a piece of rubbery mat to seal the tube to the rocks; so the nem can't sneak out any cracks.
I hang mine over a bucket of water touching a rock in the water so it clings to the rock and falls in