Removing & Relocating Brain Coral


Keeping it Simple!
How do I remove and relocate a Brain coral from a shelf rock? It is creating havoc with it's tentacles and stinging everything around it.

can you break the rock off? is it stable? (the rock that is) if so...twist a screw driver around the base of the coral in the rock. Twist until you make holes deep..Then u can pop it off!! may take some time...but it can b done if u can't remove the rock...

If u can remove the rock...u can cut it off the rock with a water bandsaw..Provided the rock is not too tall....

I can get a screwdriver under the bump which is the frag plug. If I pry it will it tear the coral or will it come off the rock?
after a better a hard is the rock it is attached to? that is gonna b key...If the rock it is attached to is like steel...ur gonna have a tough time...