Slight milky film at top of the water in my d tank?????


What cause it and how can I get rid of it. Can't see it but I know its there. Parameters are ok just a nasty film up there...
Surface skimming overflows are the best way to deal with this. Otherwise if you don't have a drain, simply increasing surface agitation will help to break it up.

One way or another you want to feed that stuff to your skimmer.
I had this problem before and John suggestion is absolutely right. Surface skimming is the best remedy IMO.

Do you use hang on overflow box ?

You may need to play around with the flow patterns in the tank a little to keep the scum feeding into the overflow. The scum should be skimming off the surface into the overflow.

Also, do you have a lot or a little flow going through the overflow? If it's one of the reef ready oveflow designs with an intake lower in the tank, and the flow is relatively slow, then that lower intake may be taking the bulk of the flow which would then limit the surface skim.
I think I figured it out. I aimed one of my wavemakers more to the top of the water to get it moving alil more gonna see if this works.
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