Tank power usage ::


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
Aqua Controller III died a year or so back so upgraded to the Aqua Controller. With that came the upgrade from DC8 to EB8 which shows you the amperage in use. So my 1st EB8 seemed moderate at 3.0-3.4 amps depending on heater (also does sump light [small CF],Reef Oct3000INT,GEO18 CR setup and Pan World "Large" Return Pump [15'+head])
My 2nd DC8 decided to "retire" this week which controls my Display Tank, soooooooo, time for another upgrade (2nd EB8).
Holy *cheese and rice*.............7.4 amps!
This controls my Tunze PH's+Controller and Lights (4-CF Actinics and 3-250w DE/HQI MH). Good thing the MH only run 6hrs a day, and this is with electronic ballasts!
When I first plugged the Tunze's in it did not even register :)
Actinics came on, 1.4 amps.
MH came on................:(

And if anyone wishes to extend their AQ EB8, I used 30' of pre-made USB 2.0 Male A to Male A without an issue.
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or you could just plug most of the things in a Kill_A_Watt. Pretty depressing, ....
I know my bill will go up as soon as I set up the upgrade tank:
120W/hr for the pump
110W/hr for the skimmer
330W for the lights 8 hours a day plus another 200 for 3-4 hours
75w for 16 hours for the sump / fuge / algae scrubber
circulation will probably be another 20-30w / hr

i'm probably looking at 6-700kw per month not even including heating,....
7.4 amp? you should see mine...
I have four 20 amp power line just for the tanks in the basement.
Didn't anyone ever tell you looking at what it costs to run a reef tank can cause you to have to go to therapy? :D