thinking about switching to LED

I was informed by a friend if mine who is in the energy business that the rate of electricity per kilowatt is going up to about 11-12 cents. I was guesstamating how much I pay, and didn't do the math in my head as good as you. I'm just passing on the info. As far as halide and how the work and perform, I couldn't agree more. That's why I'm asking for advice as well as experience with led units. That's the whole point of this thread is to gather ideas from other reefers who have experience with led lights and what kind of results you can get.
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Sorry to go off topic here but NSTAR is increasing by almost 60% if your going from 7cents to 12cents per kilowatt. 20% increase would be 8.4cents. Would they really jump up that high in one year? Now back on topic: I use Halides on my 120G 4x2 DT, and 40B frag tank. I like the results Halides give you. I don't feel enough research has been done on LED technology. Lots of cheapo systems out there are driving people to switch more so than research and facts. I'm tempted all the time to buy LED and try them out. Then I look at the pile of parts and equipment I bought to "try out" in my basement and I decide against it.

They're going up 20%. My math is wrong but the kilowatt price isn't. Just trying to save money