toxic tank trouble

i thought silica would lead to uncontrollable algea...just a myth?

it would take an absurd number of years for the silicate to actually leech out and do any harm. i cant remember the speaker but they confirmed that it is bs about not being tank safe, apperantley it was a deal made between companys to not steal business so they put not tank safe on the bags.
i have had it in mytank for two plus years and had no problems with algae blooms or water conditions
cool. so when I add a remote DSB I can buy/use that play sand from HD? thats a nice savings. I learn something new...ty guys.

any suggestions on specific brand that has a nice grain size?
Sure steve I know a good brand, chews bucket O strained sugar grained, seriously PM me.......
I have had a mix of kolorscape and various other sands in my 210 for a year. No algae problems; some red cyano but minor and after a red bug treatment (could of been due to interceptor or something else). No problems with the sand; thoroughly researched before using. A gal a the LFS swears by Quikcrete sand, believe it or not.

The only drawback to koloscape is the grain size is a little larger, which means with poor flow, it can hold more detrius in certain spots....may be more difficult for burrowing fish or critters too.