What's the replacement for Dowflake these days?


Stabbed by Foulke
Years ago we'd make Randy Holmes-Farley's two part solution, and the calcium part would just be Dowflake dissolved in RO/DI water.
If I recall correctly, Dowflake is no more.

What do people use now for the calcium part?
You can use Peladow. Below is copied from the calcium part of Randy's recipe.

"If you use an anhydrous calcium chloride (such as Kent's Turbo Calcium or Peladow Calcium Chloride (a brand sold by Dow that some believe may just be a dehydrated equivalent of the Dowflake), then you should use about 20% (1/5) less solid calcium chloride to make the recipe. Note that the solution will get quite hot when dissolved anhydrous calcium chloride."

I have been using peladow for three years now. 2 cups peladow to 1 gallon of water. You can buy it at various hardware stores. It is sold as ice melt.
Keep in mind that the process that Dow now uses to make the various calcium chloride formulations no longer includes a step to bring down the bromine (in the form of bromide) levels, so while it's probably still okay for occasional use, I'm not sure I'd attempt to use a homemade two-part solution for a tank with very heavy calcium and alkalinity demands.
Keep in mind that the process that Dow now uses to make the various calcium chloride formulations no longer includes a step to bring down the bromine (in the form of bromide) levels, so while it's probably still okay for occasional use, I'm not sure I'd attempt to use a homemade two-part solution for a tank with very heavy calcium and alkalinity demands.

I use it to adjust my levels, so I use about a gallon every 3-4 months. Do you think that is adding to much bromine to the tank?

Thanks Derek
Keep in mind that the process that Dow now uses to make the various calcium chloride formulations no longer includes a step to bring down the bromine (in the form of bromide) levels, so while it's probably still okay for occasional use, I'm not sure I'd attempt to use a homemade two-part solution for a tank with very heavy calcium and alkalinity demands.

Glad you chimed in, Greg.
Is there a better alternative for everyday use in a homemade 2 part?
Years ago we'd make Randy Holmes-Farley's two part solution, and the calcium part would just be Dowflake dissolved in RO/DI water.
If I recall correctly, Dowflake is no more.

What do people use now for the calcium part?
How much are you planning to dose?

You can always buy the calcium part of the 2 part solution that BRS sells and use baking soda for alk. That is what I did.

Or you can do what the poster above said, but I have no experience with cal reactors so I cant comment.
I have a calcium reactor but have a few BRS 2 part kits on hand in case I need to add a little here and there. Its pretty inexpensive, not as cheap as dowflake was but not bad
I've been dosing with prestone driveway heat for cal and baking soda for alk over a year. Medium stocked mixed reef and no problems (now that i said that... kabooooom). all is done automatically with my reefkeeper. Love that thing.
I have a calcium reactor but have a few BRS 2 part kits on hand in case I need to add a little here and there. Its pretty inexpensive, not as cheap as dowflake was but not bad

I was going to buy that, but every time I see it, reminds me of dow flag, epsom salt? I wonder where BRS supply gets the stuff they use? They are probably buying dow flake and repackaging it
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