Who has the biggest tanks in the club ?


Zoa Pirate
I know Greg has a huge tank... and now Dave's coming online with his monster.

So who has what and how big - do they go... this should be fun !
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I think MickyB has a 600 gallon tank then Dave and Gina with the 560 gallon but seeing that it is 2 people that own that in the club it only counts as 280 gallons each ;)

**EDIT** Now that I think about it there was a member on here that bought the 2000 gallon tank from AG
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I was at Greg Hillers last weekend and we talked about his tank for a while. I think it's about 400 gallons or so.
So who has the biggest tank here and what size is it? Also do saltwater ponds count in tank category if they have a view window?
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I have no clue.....

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Yeh, I thought size didn't matter... man, with my 125 I feel so inferior! Does my BRS membership include therapy for this?
I find smaller tanks more impressive in the difficulty department.......Big tanks are impressive in the viewing department.
I remember when 120-220 was the big tank club, now they are just average size tanks in the club and 55-75 gallon tanks are the nano tanks :)