And the addiction begins....

Thanks Pat, if I can't for some reason keep them submerged, would a wet towel laid over the rocks help?

Wet towel will work fine. However, I managed to keep 120lbs of live rock submerged. I used 6 buckets and one styrofoam container. The buckets were 80% full of water. Some of the rock was sticking out of the water but they got wet while I was driving around.
Some pieces were so big I had to smash them to barely get them to fit in the bucket.
Together with the rocks came 12 hermit crabs and 35 snails, as well as 2 mushrooms, gsp and a brittle star. Everything was alive when I got home.
So between dealing with a bad case of kidney stones and having to deal with some day-job related matters, I've managed to get the tank filled with RODI, salt mixed as well as heater and pump running.

I still need to pick up a test kit, but this is my start. Tomorrow, I get my rocks and sand:)

Well, without further notice, my first reef tank :.

Temp: 76.9
SG: 1.025


Looks like you're off to a great start! Patience and education is everything in this hobby. A fat wallet doesn't help either :eek:

Thanks James, a fat wallet usually get me in trouble :devilish:

Wet towel will work fine. However, I managed to keep 120lbs of live rock submerged. I used 6 buckets and one styrofoam container. The buckets were 80% full of water. Some of the rock was sticking out of the water but they got wet while I was driving around.
Some pieces were so big I had to smash them to barely get them to fit in the bucket.
Together with the rocks came 12 hermit crabs and 35 snails, as well as 2 mushrooms, gsp and a brittle star. Everything was alive when I got home.

I can't wait!! I'm picking up my rock and sand from another member on this board. I'm told it's coming out of a 3-year old established, pest-free tank. I'm very curious to see what I get:cool-new:
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I can't wait!! I'm picking up my rock and sand from another member on this board. I'm told it's coming out of a 3-year old established, pest-free tank. I'm very curious to see what I get:cool-new:

Thats what I did. Picked it from a 3-4 year old tank. The rocks were LOADED with copoepods. Those things were big. They would take entire fish pellets (small round ones).
Thats what I did. Picked it from a 3-4 year old tank. The rocks were LOADED with copoepods. Those things were big. They would take entire fish pellets (small round ones).

The pods were eating pellets?? Wow some big pods.
So I'm running out to take care of some stuff and I figured I'd check how the sump is. This is what I found.


It looks like brownish or tan foam, I'm going to clean it out but figured I'd refer to the experts to find out if that's normal or not.
It's a little hard to see from the pic, but what I think you've got is a little protein skimmer action going on. Basically, the water cascading over the first baffle seems to be creating microbubbles, and similar to the microbubbles in a protein skimmer, they are adhering to proteins and other microscopic gunk from the tank water (albeit fairly new and clean tank water). I would keep the water in the sump a little higher (slightly above the first baffle), which will prevent microbubbles from forming. They certainly aren't hurting anything, it's just that they will make their way up to the display and not look great.
On my way out, just wanted to post the final product. I'll post more when I get back tonight!


These guys came with the rock and sand
Ok, so I can finally post a legit update.

So I got the rocks and sand home last night, rinsed the rocks in some RO water and did a little aquascaping.

Also, as you can see I finished the cabinet and have the lights hung, although I still have to adjust the Blue LED moonlights. It's looking pretty good so far for my first saltwater tank.

I had purchased 40# of Carrib-Alive pink fiji sand and laid that down mixed with some of the live sand and put the leftover in the refugium, I'm going to run a DSB in the refugium with some small pieces of live rock and some cheato, which I think is going to be my next item.


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The other BRS member I got my rock and sand from threw in a few inverts which keep me busy.

2x Turbo Snails
View attachment 84142

1x Conch, but I'm not sure if it's a fighting conch

1x Hermit Crab who the fiancee has named Hermie and a bunch of snails, one in particular has been named Gail the Snail;)
Some of the rocks have some nice coraline growth on them and one of them appears to have some polyps, but I'm not positive..I can hardly see it, but I'll try to get a picture of it.

I still need to get a turkey baster so I can get some of the sand off the rocks, but other than that things are looking pretty good. I'm going to have a ton of questions I'm sure:rolleyes:

Some of my next things to get is the Reef Octopus skimmer, ATO and something like the RKE or similar. (I'm a big fan of automation, once you have your parameters and variables figured out:eek:nthego: )
So far everything is looking good. I think I'm getting a small amount of microbubbles as the water isn't cloudy, but it isn't clear either. It's hard to explain how it looks, anyways I rinsed out the poly and carbon sandwich I have in the bubble tray in the sump. I also added a filter sock to help polish the water and get rid of any microbubbles that might be caused by the drains.

I also happened to find the body of a dead hermit crab without it's shell so I think I'm going to leave it there to start the cycle. I've actually seen a slight increase in ammonia which is good.

Here's today's parameters.

Temp: 78.7
pH: 8.0
Ammonia: .25ppm
Nitrates: 0ppm
Nitrites: 0ppm
SG: 1.023

Tomorrow I plan on doing a water change, I'll change 5G tomorrow and 5G the day after that for a total of 20%
digging the new aquascape.

I suggest drilling holes in the live rock now so you can plug frags in them later. Giving it that natural look.

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