ATO question


Does anyone top off the DT directly from their RODI? My head is spinning from all the products on the market. First hand experience is always best in my book. I'm not afraid to spend a few bucks to get a reliable system. If I can incorporate my Reefkeeper Elite in any way that would be a bonus. I lose about 5g a week in my 120g DT, I am sumpless so that is not an option.

I recently went away for a week and the only issue I had was my 5g bucket of RODI ran dry. I was using a JBJ ATO that thing is super cheap and makes me nervous.
its not a good idea to top off directly from RODI unit
if you keep it on all the time you are making tiny amounts of RO at a time which allows the solids to get by and into your water
it is best to make your ro in larger batches after a good flush otherwise you will not be getting pure ro into your system
google TDS creep and read up on it there is lots of info on this subject
I would not do it. Even though the chance of a problem happening might be low, if it does go wrong, it will be very, very wrong. The potential issues from an ATO failing on a 5g bucket are far less.
Thanks Joelg, I hear ya although I have a commercial whole house RODI, not worried about water sitting or solids getting into water. We use it for drinking, ice, cooking, etc. It's working all the time.

RichardinMA, you hit the nail on the head, if something goes wrong it will go really wrong. In my research I found systems with failsafe's that in theory look like they would work but again I'm hesitant to buy if it's not proven reliable.

On eBay I found a solenoid that shuts off when it senses a spill, and had some interesting kits for sale. Someone on here has some ingenious DIY I'm sure. Just need to flush them out somehow and share.......:D
IMO/IME probably the safest set up is to use a litremeter or other style dosing pump that's set up to pump a max volume that's only slightly more than the normal daily evaporation rate. That way if you have a leak or your top off sticks on it will take days before there is any significant dilution of the water.
I run a Avast Marine ATO. It cost under $100. It's comes with a air pressure switch NOT a float switch. It has operated flawlessly for years. I make up a five gallons of top off and let it rip. It's simple. You don't need a controller for everything.
I use the ELOS aquacontroller. It uses a probe to determine the water level. No moving parts at all. It is rated for all sized tanks and will not continuously pump, there is a timed override built in to the program. It is pricey but extremely well made and effective. Plus I have peace of mind that I won't flood my house.
I have used Tunze Osmolator for past 7 months with 5g tank for ATO. It has been awesome. Downside is cost. It has electric eye sensor and float valve check system.
FYI, Tunze Osmolator is on sale on BRS for $169.99 from $209.99. If I was looking for one, I would jump on it. They never usually go on sale...

+1 on Tunze. It's the way to go. To repeat previous responses by eye sensor and not float switch dependent and has overflow float switch shutoff and also has spare water run dry that sounds alarm to let u know u need more ro and as others said it will shut itself off and not run for extended time and I think shuts down in 5 min or something so if still calling for water after this time will shutdown as something isn't right. So they have thought of it all already and is proven device. One of best pieces of reef equipment I have invested in for sure. Highly recommend as it is complete plug and play out of box
Have been doing this for about five years with no issue. I have my RODI going into my storage tank with an additional line to my tank... In the tank I use both an electrical valve and a float valve. I use my RKE to open the electrical switch for only 45 minutes a day. (It usually takes about 35 minutes to replace the daily loss)

That way the RODI is not going on/off all day, it goes on once, does its job and goes off. It also gives me added protection from the float switch being stuck open.
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