dealing with aiptasia


not so well known member
BRS Member
So i was in Jays the other day buying some peppermint shrimp to try and deal with an aiptasia problem that was quickly getting out of control. One pest turned into many seemingly overnight. The shrimp cleaned up most of them, and the rest I got rid of using Zap-tasia. Great stuff! It took care of them instantly, with no evidence that they were there at all. Seemed to work faster than Aiptasia-X and the thick gel covered them completely, stuck to the anemones great, and didn't dissipate into the water until the pest was gone. Best $18 I have spent in a while.

If you are having a problem, and don't have any kalkwasser, give it a try.

I am in no way affiliated with Zap-tasia or Jay's LFS. Just trying to spread the word of a good product.