First attempt Videoing inside the tank

very cool, I like the butterfly's, very active and the pull away at the end was very clear, what were you using to video?
very cool, I like the butterfly's, very active and the pull away at the end was very clear, what were you using to video?

A Cheap SJ4000 Action Cam. I also have a Go Pro, which cost 6 times as much, but the SJ in my eyes is a much better, value for money.

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A Cheap SJ4000 Action Cam. I also have a Go Pro, which cost 6 times as much, but the SJ in my eyes is a much better, value for money.
I was just looking at those for this very purpose but did not find any good examples, very good endorsement!
Thanks for posting
Anyone else have any ideas on improving the filming under the water? open to suggestions!
UPDATE Butterflies are SOLD. Started enjoying Eating there Home. Well they were Reef safe for a few weeks lol
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