Fish goo at July 2004 meeting - help!


Stabbed by Foulke
Hi there,

At the July meeting we'd like to prepare "fish goo" which is a homemade food for fish, inverts, and coral. We've done this before - it's fun and is a great food for your reef. If everyone brings an item, we can combine them all, and parcel out the mixture. Fish goo should be kept in the freezer, and used a little at a time.
Here's a link to one of the last times we made the stuff, and importantly; a recipe. Just pick an item, post here the item you chose, purchase said item, then bring it to the meeting on the 31st.

We'll also need a blender - who's willing to dirty their blender?
I can bring the Nori - is one package enough? Unfortunately I have almost a full package from when my Tang died :(
Here's the recipe:
Fish Goo Recipe

Clams (Canned w/juice)
Cocktail Shrimp
Mussles (Grocery Store)
Color Enhancing Flake Food
Granulated Fish Food
Vitamin C
Castor Oil
Reef Vitamin and Mineral Suppliment
Basic Liquid Filter Feeder Food
Dried Plankton suppliment
Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs
Mysis Shrimp
Rotifer Perls (brineshrimp direct)
Frozen Brine Shrimp

I don't know how much to bring yet. Lets not worry about that until the week before the meeting when we have an idea about how many folks are coming. It's not going to be too much.

Who else is in on this chaos? ;)
Like I posted in the other thread ...I'll bring a half pound of golden pearls and the flake food.
I'd also second the fresh sea food, after all look where we live, lets take advantage of it! As a matter of fact I'll stop at the peir Saturday morning on my way and pick up some to donate (In the name of Fishy Business of course, how fitting!)
I will bring the shrimp. Just need to know how much. The more stuff we can mix in the better. I also have come Castor Oil from the last batch I made. Nick if you don't already have it, I do.
Fish Goo Recipe (listing people & what they are bringing)

Ifferfish...... Clams (Canned w/juice)
Heavydc2.....Cocktail Shrimp
Mussles (Grocery Store)
Marco67.......Color Enhancing Flake Food
Marco67.......Golden Pearls
Granulated Fish Food
Vitamin C (Should this be liquid???)
Nickoz..........Castor Oil
Reef Vitamin and Mineral Suppliment
Basic Liquid Filter Feeder Food
Dried Plankton suppliment
Dima96.........Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs
Mysis Shrimp
Rotifer Perls (brineshrimp direct)
Frozen Brine Shrimp
Scuba_Dave...Blender, plus I have some other fish food: graze & another one that has a lot of vitamins in it

I don't know how much to bring yet. Lets not worry about that until the week before the meeting when we have an idea about how many folks are coming. It's not going to be too much.
Do you think we should hold off on non-fresh foods like Granulated Fish Food or flake? I usually don?t use this type food or cooked (Cocktail Shrimp), canned etc. All frozen and prepared fish foods can be fed as they are without mixing in the goo, the fresher the better I say. What do you all think?
I always mix in some flake and pellet to my mix, the fish dont seem to mind. If we have 50 people coming to the meeting, how is everyone going to get some of this. How much should those that are bringing stuff bring? I know not everyone will be taking some home, but if everyone who wants some could bring something we would all get a nice ammount of goo. We also need to have someone bring small ziplock freezer bags to portion the stuff out. I might have a second blender if it would help.
Doesn?t the flake and pellet food just break down too much after being mixed with water in a blender and then frozen? I would think that this would be in almost liquid form when fed back to the tank and would only help to pollute more than feed.
I have at least one blender possibly 2 if I find another at a store that I like...
I will keep a watch on the thread and see what is needed as it goes
I can also do up a bunch of decap. brine the nite before..
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