Mojanos and aptaisia all gone!


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BRS Member
While looking around the tank yesterday I noticed a miracle. All the aptaisia and mojano anemones had vanished. There were many around the rockwork here and there where I couldn't reach them with my syringe of calcium hydroxide. That didn't work half the time anyway. This little guy did got them all in just a few days.


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There's a Heniochus with a rare taste for aptaisia and mojano anemones. There's one that reef safe and another that isn't. Best to distinguish between the two I'd have to look it up in my fish book between the different markings. Always liked the fish being known as the poors mans Morish Idol, but I have a belligerent bi-color dottyback that will stress it out.
Paul he's so cute, and he has a great talent! You need to post updated pics of your tank. I'd love to see how much thigns have grown since I last saw it :)
Whoa, now there's something I didn't know: heniochuses will eat nuisance anemones.
here's some updated pics for you Meg. I recently lost most of them when the harddrive on my computer died.


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Cool. I need something to eat mojanos in my tank. What species of heniochus is that? Where'd you get him? Maybe I'll give one a try as well.
that's H. diphreutes... black mark ends in the eye, black and white split anal fin, white extending into the base of the caudal, yellow pectorals. we usually carry them. reef safe for the most part. great fish though this is the first time i've heard of them eating mujanos. most of the butterflies like aiptasia (and stuff you don't want them to eat)... think you got a really lucky, happy little heni!
I think it's Heniochus acuminatus. Meg, you should see the h .gigantea anemone. If it gets any bigger I don't know what I'll do.
Nope, I was wrong. Your right genkireefer, it's an H diphreutes. I got him at Fintastic Fish in Plainville.
I think it's Heniochus acuminatus. Meg, you should see the h .gigantea anemone. If it gets any bigger I don't know what I'll do.

Paul, I would love to come see how much it's all grown sometime... I can't imagine that anemone getting any bigger, considering how huge it was to begin with!
That's awesome news Paul. I didn't want to say it at the time, but those Mojanos were giving me the heebies. Question now is what is he going to eat? Do these fish do ok with the typical foods or will you have to start farming Mojanos and Aiptasia to keep him happy? ;)
Paul PLEASE PLEASE place me on the list if you do rent him out LOL
I have 1000s of mojanos that he would get very fat off of.
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