Fish Goo - July 2011

Mrs. Delta

Puppy love!
As promised, we will be putting together some fish goo at the meeting. If you bring ingredients, you will be able to take some with you. Please post in this thread if you will be parcipating and mention what you will bring.

Here is a list of ingredients we need this time around. (there are some things left over that we've saved):

Clams (Canned w/juice) or minced ---------------David (Trippingrunner)
Shrimp ----------------------------------------------
Cocktail Shrimp
Scallops ----------------------------------------------
Mussles ----------------------------------------------
Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs
Mysis Shrimp ---------------------------------------Mike (mf88)
Frozen Brine Shrimp ---------------------------Chris (turbosnail)
Tobiko -------------------------------------------Anthony (Jamesdong009)
Squid/calimari -----------------------------------Mike (mf88)
Mixed seafood pkg - Anthony
Don't be shy to sign up for things already accounted for. The more the merrier with what is listed above.
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i got me plenty the last time, so i dont need anymore... but i should have some more ingrediants i can kick in, i'll see what i have and get back :)
We had quite the batch last time. The batch will be exponentially larger with the more meaty items brought.
I know there were quite a few people who have expressed interest in goo. Who else is in? You only get goo if you bring ingredients.
Haven't been able to find a sitter for my little man this weekend. so I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make it up there plz take me off the list for the fish goo :(
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