New Basement Sump System

Sometimes it just can't be easy. Needed a stronger pump for the ATS, have a mag 5 so that's good. Needed to cut the pipe differently, went out and got a different tip for the dremel, cut the pipe. Put it all together. Several problems. The bigger pump is pulling more water out of the water changing tank so all of the tanks are out of whack. Seemed to have balanced that and am plumbing another pipe to feed the water into the water changing tank. No glue, of course. And to make it all perfect, the tank that holds the ATS is cracked by the bulkhead. YAY! Fortunately, there's only about 5 inches of water in that tank so it isn't leaking ... it's just a matter of time. Plus I opened the skimmer up big time to get more water flowing to the water changing tank and it's stopped frothing. It will probably freak out after I go to sleep! Might have to dial it back a bit to see if I can get it working again. All in a days fun of rescuing the reef....
If anyone has a 45g tank that's empty and lonely, I need it - tomorrow! 55g will do if I have to. Did an ugly silicone job on the crack and will keep my fingers crossed. Have plumbed a pump to put water in the water changing tank to keep the level up. Got a cute new purple urchin for the 180 -- hopefully he'll chow down on some algae. Almost time to go to sleep!
Thanks to a tank from Jay's Aquatics and Myk from Aquatic Creations in Amherst NH, the new 38g is in place, drilled and installed by Myk. I actually put the mag 5 pump on the ATS but the second sheet is only getting half covered in water. Maybe I need a mag 6?

The next tank is the 55g to be completely cleaned out. Still in a quandary though about the purple tang -- I know he and the Chevron will fight if I put him upstairs. Anybody ever kept those two fish together successfully?
I have two sheets that I think are 10x14 and each has it's own LED spot that are a good 5 inches in diameter. My husband built a pvc structure out of 3/4 inch pipe, it's fed by a mag5 and is in the 38g tank.
Oh - I fixed it so the water is going across the whole second screen too. I just turned my brain on and realized that with all the screwing around with it, the screen was jammed too far into the slot so a couple of tugs were all that was needed.
Between Sat. and Sun., I did almost 100g in water changes - everything is looking better. I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm rethinking the last tank in the basement as I don't want to move the fish. I think I'll just slowly suck gunk out of there and get some really good flow going in that tank. I have 2 w40 for the 180 and two w25 - one for the 65 and the other for this tank coming this week. Then I think I'll let everything be for a little bit and see how it goes.

Sadly, this system went downhill for what seemed to be hidden problems. I don't even have bristleworms. My pod population has disappeared, the mandarin is at risk -- I dumped two bottles of tiger pods in so hopefully he'll be ok. I need more though! I think I need to reseed my sandbed as well.

The fish are skinny, my toby puffer is at risk -- I am worried about him. So fingers crossed that I'm done with the losses.
Cleaned the final tank in the basement system today. That was fun! Left one piece of rock - fish and nems seem ok but not very happy with me. Added a circulation pump to that tank as well. Also switched out one of the ball valves for a gate valve on the bean overflow pipes so we can better control the flow.

Have added two pumps to the 180 to see if it will help -- those w40 pumps. Stirring up gunk that's for sure.

ATS screens got cleaned -- looks like I'm already growing the bright green algae. Now to see what happens.
hey sherri how are you doing? we haven't scene you in a long time. we down sized over the past few years and are upgrading this march time frame. kids are getting big too

hope all is well

joe and sara
Hey you two! Big hugs for the new year - I'm doing well - tanks not so much but I'm good. I bet the kids are getting big. We should get a few people together!
pm use with a day and time we would love to get together.. our tanks are well pieced together as well.. starting up cycling the sea horse tank as we speak. and only have a 40/45g tank running with few corals and fish. we are hoping to be able to get back to a 90g RR in a few weeks..

but let us know we love to meet up
PM sent.:cool:

I have had a voltage issue in the tanks - it seems forever. I could never pin it down to voltage leaking from one thing though. If you were in barefeet and stuck your hand in my basement tanks, you would get zapped. The other thing though, is that if you used the sink, you would also get zapped. I have had probably three or four electricians over to try and figure out, they look, leave, and never return.

Finally, we found a great guy and it turns out that the floors in both of our buildings are live -- we have a 1400 foot guest house too. The floors have 30 amps in them. He thought it was a neutral issue outside of the houses. Well, we did a test yesterday and confirmed it -- it is a neutral issue outside of the house. PSNH is getting called on Monday. Finally, no more getting electrocuted in the basement. I always thought it was a house problem, turns out it's a PSNH problem.
How is the scrubber working out for you so far? I know it's only been about a month but how's the growth on it. Hope everything is working out with all your changes.

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It's working out really well. Cleaning out all of the tanks in the basement was critical. Also, I sucked up lots of junk off of the sand and rocks in the display tanks. I'm using filter socks and am experimenting with a new denitrifier (sp?) as well. The algae in the 180 is slowly dying and the sand and glass are now staying clear.

As for the scrubber, I have a lot of growth but it's not exactly perfect yet. I am using LED bulbs that are a mix of red white and blue and I want to have all red. That being said the growth is excellent. All of the surviving corals are looking much better and the tanks overall are vastly improved. I am not terrified of an imminent crash anymore. It's been an enormous amount of work.